Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 14 tester för Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 3.1/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.0/5 för produkter i samma kategori. Skärmen och Tillförlitligheten uppskattas av recensenterna men designen uppskattas inte lika mycket. Åskterna går isär om konstruktionen.

prestanda, Tillförlitlighet, skärm, tangentbord

prisvärdhet, design

Användare ger produkten betyget 53/100 och experter ger produkten betyg 65/100 i genomsnitt.

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(Baserad på 14 recensioner)



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Användarrecension (amazon.com)

Amazon.com review summary for Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t


alaTest has collected and analyzed 2 user reviews of Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t from Amazon.com. The average user rating for this product is 1.0/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.com. Many are negative about the durability and design.

design, durability

0% of the reviews on Amazon.com give this product a positive rating.

Jun 2024

Expertrecension från : Ross Catanzariti (goodgearguide.com.au)

Lenovo Z61t


The Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t is a multimedia orientated notebook that includes a built-in webcam, widescreen display and a multi-card media reader. The Z6...

Titanium cover, Display, Fingerprint scanner, Solid performance

Not ideal for gaming

If you don't want to play lots of games and need a solid notebook for office tasks, the Z61t should fit the bill quite nicely.

Sep 2006

Expertrecension från : Ross Catanzariti (goodgearguide.com.au)

Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t


Titanium cover, Display, Fingerprint scanner, Solid performance

Not ideal for gaming

If you don't want to play lots of games and need a solid notebook for office tasks, the Z61t should fit the bill quite nicely.

Sep 2006

Expertrecension från : AGNI (NotebookReview.com)

Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t Review (pics, specs)


This is a review for the new 14.1 widescreen ThinkPad Z61t with titanium cover. The Z61t is the update to the newer widescreen Z series of ThinkPads. It sports Intel's Core Duo processor. The Z series is the more multimedia oriented notebook in the...

Aug 2006

Expertrecension från : Sal Cangeloso (geek.com)

Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t Notebook


Many people think that the Thinkpads are a solid line of notebooks, but not a particularly exciting one. It's true, on the surface they are all work and no play and we know they are extremely popular with business users, but that does not mean they...

Apr 2007

Expertrecension från : John Virata (digitalproducer.digitalmedianet.com)

Lenovo ThinkPad Z61T notebook computer


Notebook computers have been fast outselling desktops, and the market for these devices is fast becoming glazed over as notebooks become more similar in look and feel as well as in price and performance. First it was the widescreen format that...

Windows Vista Capable notebook built to withstand most drops, shocks, and spills

Sep 2006

Expertrecension från : Consumer Electronics Net (consumerelectronicsnet.com)

Windows Vista Capable notebook built to withstand most drops, shocks, and spills


Notebook computers have been fast outselling desktops, and the market for these devices is fast becoming glazed over as notebooks become more similar in look and feel as well as in price and performance. First it was the widescreen format that...

Sep 2006

Expertrecension från : Ross Catanzariti (goodgearguide_com_au)

Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t


Titanium cover, Display, Fingerprint scanner, Solid performance

Not ideal for gaming

If you don't want to play lots of games and need a solid notebook for office tasks, the Z61t should fit the bill quite nicely.

Sep 2006

Expertrecension från (laptopbroker.com)



The Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t has a World Bench 5 score of 81. This is definitely a good score for a machine with these specifications. The score could prove surprising. However, this system does not support gaming systems. The security scanner works well...

Solid and sturdy; High performance levels; Excellent keyboard; Numerous connections

Unit gets heated up; Speaker quality poor; Expensive; No DVI support

Lenovo ThinkPad Z61T has a different built than other available laptops. The system offers in-built support for the most common mishaps with a laptop like spills, drops, and shocks. Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t is a good and advantageous buy. It is functional,...

Expertrecension från : reef (enet.com.cn)

T7200舞动商用与影音 联想Z61t评测


文章摘要】  10年前,IBM研制出一种便携式计算机,凭借一位项目负责人随手把封皮上印着 “THINK” 的笔记本仍在桌上,ThinkPad--能思考的笔记本系列就在那一瞬间诞生了。时过境迁,IBM开始将更多的精力放在了更高端的服务器业务。联想公司借着这一契机,在去年五月以12.5亿美元的金额全权收购IBM的PC业务,这样包括IBM公司最为知名的ThinkPad系列也归到了联想公司旗下……

Jan 2007

Expertrecension från : 瓶子 (enet.com.cn)

宽屏双核 钛合金ThinkPad Z61t赏析



Okt 2006

Prisjämförelse för Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t

Inga priser funna för denna produkt