Samsung SyncMaster 460CX

Samsung SyncMaster 460CX
alaAverage 4.9

9 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Samsung SyncMaster 460CX hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 9 tester för Samsung SyncMaster 460CX. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.9/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.3/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Användare ger produkten betyget 98/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 9 recensioner)



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Användarrecension (

good warranty, but few inputs


I'm using this with a Mac mini, connected via DVI. I'm getting 1080p resolution: 1920x1080. I have not used the TV tuner yet. I don't use the monitor's built in speakers.

One of the few LCDs you can get with a DVI input and HD tuner ; Picture is very good. 3-year warranty, supposedly beefier power supply than most LCD TVs. This monitor is designed for a commercial env., so there are some interesting features like...

Does not come with pedestal, foot, or feet -- you will need to buy something to mount this TV on ; Only 4 video inputs, one each of: DVI, D-sub (SVGA), HDMI, and CVBS ; speakers lack bass, but are OK. For any serious application, you probably want a...

Dec 2008

Användarrecension (

create a joyfull moment & makes happy.


Samsung SyncMaster 460CX is avery excellent LCD TV.its very simple & easy for life.bassically in the world it hass been famous.its very easy to use .its degin & outlook express is so much sweetsound.among the all LCD TV its status &other site is number...

a very ceap to buy symble of aristrocate & ; a remobable most joyfull & ; peacefull for life

i did not get any nagetive site of this product

Feb 2009

Användarrecension (

Samsung SyncMaster 460CX Stylish and Useful


Are becoming very popular today. Samsung SyncMaster 460CX has a splendid LCD screen with an impressive display. Elegant and stylish, its outlook is awesome. The magical sound system and eye friendly display made me to choose Samsung SyncMaster 460CX...

High Quality Display, Good sound quality, Elegant

Not easy to displace from one room to another

Feb 2009

Användarrecension (

Samsung SyncMaster 460CX


Of products is very rare, Samsung SyncMaster 151N grid and heat shield Samsung SyncMaster 151N is a built-in AC adapter of the liquid crystal display products, the back of it will inevitably increase the number of thickness, but the benefits of this...

Samsung SyncMaster 151N grid and heat shield

Design is perfect there is no disadvantage

Feb 2009

Användarrecension (

LCD Syncmaster


Samsung SyncMaster 460CX 46" LCD TV you're getting a consistently brilliant picture day in and day out. Simply turn on your professional TV at the beginning of your day and enjoy the amazing picture until your turn your gorgeous LCD TV off. The Samsung...

good picture quality

higer cost

Feb 2009

Användarrecension (

Samsung SyncMaster 460CX memang kualitas yang sangat baik


Me to use this use.I Samsung syncmaster 460cx design.It see the film and very good! Samsung is more professional display designed to run up to 24 hours a day is quite sizable resistance, Samsung Syncmaster 460CX emang both of them no respite and the...

Lcd with good quality systems that are so practical

Unfortunately, the price is too high

Feb 2009

Användarrecension (

The quality is good, the scale is high I love 460CX


Me to use.I use this Samsung syncmaster 460cx to see movies and design.It is very good one! ... Read review

Screen size (inch): 46 And high Quality

Not a cheap one

Feb 2009

Användarrecension (

Oh Samsung Syncmaster 460CX


My Sister own this Samsung Syncmaster 460CX. So far it is good product, she has no complain about the quality. Samsung is a good known brand. In fact mostly of my appliances are in a Samsung brand, that is how we trust Samsung. What I like this one is...

great features, nice appearance


Feb 2009

Användarrecension (

Samsung SM 460CX-2


Jest to moim zdanie super produkt warty kupna. Jest elegancki, elastyczny , lekki i wytrzymałty. Ma dobra jakość obrazu, i ma dobra regulację wysoości . Polecam oglądać na nim filmy a także rózne programy. Ogólnie bardzo cenie to urządzenie za jego...

dużo opcji regulacji, lekki, ostry i wyraźny obraz, design

Feb 2010

Prisjämförelse för Samsung SyncMaster 460CX

Inga priser funna för denna produkt