Transformers (2007) (1 Disc) (Blu-ray)

Transformers (2007) (1 Disc) (Blu-ray)
alaAverage 4.5

6 tester

Jun 2024

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alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 6 tester för Transformers (2007) (1 Disc) (Blu-ray). Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.5/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.0/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Användare ger produkten betyget 90/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 6 recensioner)



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Visar 1 - 6 av 6 Visa tester: på svenska | alla länder

Användarrecension (



Great film. Graphics are amazing, so much fun. Michael Bay's best film by far. Great film recommend to anybody who just wants to have a bit of fun.

Dec 2011

Användarrecension (

Fun Actioner


Despite being crammed full of CGI, this feels more like an 80s blockbuster. It takes its time getting to the action, and when it does there are plenty of light comic moments to punctuate the grinding metal. Unfortunately there are also plenty of...

Jun 2008

Användarrecension (

Excellent film


What can i say this is one of the best films ive seen of 2007 i cant wait to buy the dvd i could watch this film over and over again is absolute quality. the graphics are amazing and the story is pritty cool i would definately reccomend that every one...

Nov 2007

Användarrecension (



This has got to be the best film I've seen in years, I've seen it at the cinema twice & it is SO good! I reckon it wont be as good on DVD as it is a must see at the cinema, the effects are brilliant, none of it looks computerised, its so funny too, I...

Sep 2007

Användarrecension (

blew me away!


Having grown up with the Transformers and being a massive fan I have looked forward to the movie everytime there has been murmurs about it, when the murmurs finally came to fruition i was excited but also apprehensive, there have been a lot of cartoon...

Sep 2007

Användarrecension (

Terminator2 for the 21st century


Michael Bay has been lambasted in the past but this Spielberg production is an awesome display of what a modern blockbuster can accomplish when real talent reigns in a mercurial one. The effects are astonishing. They have the same level of realism as...

Jul 2007

Prisjämförelse för Transformers (2007) (1 Disc) (Blu-ray)

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