Shark NH15 Multi-vac Purple

Shark NH15 Multi-vac Purple
alaAverage 4.2

9 tester

Jun 2024

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alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 9 tester för Shark NH15 Multi-vac Purple. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.2/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.2/5 för produkter i samma kategori. Användarvänligheten uppskattas av recensenterna men designen uppskattas inte lika mycket. Prisvärdheten får blandade omdömen.



Användare ger produkten betyget 84/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 9 recensioner)


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Användarrecension (

Excellent value


Bought it at $50 and literally dropped $10 the next day before I even got it. Still worth every penny though.

Light and portable ; Easy to assemble ; Great suction power

Small dust-cup container (must be emptied frequently) ; Hand-vac hose not long enough for hard to reach places like ceiling corners or door-frames

Sep 2010

Användarrecension (

Great for small apartment.


Looks cool. I suggest gel/super glue the connecting parts. When i was moving it from downstairs to upstairs handle decided to disconnect and landed on my feet. Then I took it apart and gel glued the entire assembly also now its more sturdy then it was...

Great vac. I actually tested with with nuts and bolts and wow it did what it says it does

These are not really cons but ; I bought it for $50 and week later it's $40. Don't you hate it when that happens ; Wheels are hard plastic gets kind a noisy but heey it's a cheap/powerful vac i can live it

Aug 2010

Användarrecension (

It's a vaccuum


Do not buy the LinkStick! Get this instead!

Lots of versatility

Might need to look over the assembly instructions

Jun 2010

Användarrecension (

Great for a smaller place


This is a great vacuum for the equivalent of a 1-2 bedroom apartment. Has held up well for the last couple months.

Great vacuum - here's why ; Picks up all sorts of stuff that other vacs don't ; Vacuum head slides under furniture due to unique arm design ; Lightweight, for easy moving ; Easy to clean - it's super easy to clean out the filters (no bags!) and take...

Not designed for large areas - this isn't a vacuum you'd want to vacuum a large house with. The cord is long enough to clean a room at a time, but not much longer than that

Jun 2010

Användarrecension (

Great Vacum!


Definitely recommend this for people that have hardwood floors or tiles.

I bought mine from wal mart at the beginning of this year and it really is a great vacuum. It does amazing on hardwood floors and tiles. It does okay on carpet but not made for it. You can easily reattach the part and it makes it very easy to get...

none so far

Jun 2010

Användarrecension (

Complicated, but great vacuum


Efficient, Lightweight, Powerful/Good Suction


Sep 2010

Användarrecension (

Complicated, but great vacuum


The best thing about this vacuum is the lack of a beater bar. My long hair gets tangled in them and has to be cut out or risk breaking a belt. I've gone through 10 vacuums in 7 years because my hair DESTROYS them. The suction on this vacuum is amazing,...

Efficient, Lightweight, Powerful/Good Suction


Sep 2010

Användarrecension (

Poor Design


I find it to not be user friendly, difficult to attach to handle and lock into place making it fall off easily, the cord is located where it is constantly in the way, and it is difficult to empty. the suction is great and does a good job of picking up...

Efficient, Lightweight, Powerful/Good Suction

Poor Design

Jun 2010

Användarrecension (

Poor Design


Efficient, Lightweight, Powerful/Good Suction

Poor Design

Jun 2010

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