Bosch KGH36X51GB

Bosch KGH36X51GB
alaAverage 4

14 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Bosch KGH36X51GB hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 14 tester för Bosch KGH36X51GB. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.0/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.3/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Användare ger produkten betyget 80/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 14 recensioner)



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Visar 1 - 10 av 14 Visa tester: på svenska | alla länder

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGH36X51GB


It looks very stylish in black. Has enough space and antybacterial function is great - there is no smell of food inside. Interior has been designed very well - its simple but functional. Can and wine metal racks are nice additions and if you do not...

It was a bit expensive but worth every penny. Fingerprints are visible but easy to remove with dry cloth in just few seconds. Since I live only with my husband fridge proportions 70/30 are perfect for us but it could be a problem for bigger families....

Aug 2010

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGH36X51GB


It looks very stylish in black. Has enough space and antybacterial function is great - there is no smell of food inside. Interior has been designed very well - its simple but functional. Can and wine metal racks are nice additions and if you do not...

It was a bit expensive but worth every penny. Fingerprints are visible but easy to remove with dry cloth in just few seconds. Since I live only with my husband fridge proportions 70/30 are perfect for us but it could be a problem for bigger families....

Jul 2010

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGH36X51GB


very quiet, excellent looking, automatically keeps fridge food very cold and fresh...extremely pleased with this product and would highly recommend it to other people.....

wish it had another shelf in the freezer, but the shelves it has are spacious.....

Apr 2010

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGH36X51GB


Plenty of room in fridge,well designed.

Not as much room in freezer as I thought there would be.

Feb 2010

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGH36X51GB


Fridge is excellent

Bottom drawer of freezer falls out when pulled out

Okt 2009

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGH36X51GB


Good looking very functional

The big obtrusive silver handle is quite jarring

Okt 2009

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGH36X51GB


loods great


Sep 2009

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGH36X51GB



Sep 2009

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGH36X51GB


Fits nicely in kitchen, great to have the fridge section on the top, saves me bending down, good value for money

Plastic shelving in the door broke when taking the wrapping off.

Sep 2009

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGH36X51GB


Great fridge capacity, looks fantastic.

Could have bigger freezer compartments, slightly noisy when motor starts (perhaps I'm being picky)

Aug 2009

Prisjämförelse för Bosch KGH36X51GB

Inga priser funna för denna produkt