Bosch Exxcel KGN 34X00

Bosch Exxcel KGN 34X00
alaAverage 4

8 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Bosch Exxcel KGN 34X00 hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 8 tester för Bosch Exxcel KGN 34X00. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.0/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.3/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Användare ger produkten betyget 80/100 i genomsnitt.


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Användarrecension (

Bosch KGN34X00


Good size freezer boxes

Fridge shelves not too deep so capacity reduced.

Aug 2007

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGN34X00


Twin thermostat

Jul 2007

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGN34X00


Lots of space in the fridge compartment including two hanging racks for bottles and a separate chiller compartment. The door shelves are big and deep too. The "big box" (middle shelf of freezer) is exactly that and we get a lot of food stored in there....

A little noisy and the bottom freezer shelf is smaller thatn it appears to look from the images.

Jul 2007

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGN34X00


Aesthetics, fact that bottle & can storage hangs from shelf rather than taking up space on the shelf. Does exactly what it should and quietly.

Had some difficulty adjusting the feet.

Jul 2007

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGN34X00


Fridge is at an ideal height for tall people enabling them to see at a glance the contents

Freezer section a little on the small size

Jun 2007

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGN34X00


Excellent fridge capacity, slightly let down by reduced freezer volume, but i could have chosen the next model i guess. Its amazing how much food you start freezing and then quickly run out of room.

None really, perhaps now i wish i'd gone for a bigger freezer section, but overall an excellent purchase as ALL Bosch pieces are.

Jun 2007

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGN34X00


fidge storage superb

shelf for ice cubes etc a total waste of space eats into ordinary storage in drawer it is easier to buy ice cubes ready made from shops

Apr 2007

Användarrecension (

Bosch KGN34X00


Simple design & well made, shelves etc easy to alter according to usage. Long handle on door makes opening better Freezer drawers well made & easy to see contents. Cheap to run

Can be noisy.

Mar 2007

Prisjämförelse för Bosch Exxcel KGN 34X00

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