alaAverage 2.1

10 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för LG LFX25960SB hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 10 tester för LG LFX25960SB. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 2.1/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.3/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Användare ger produkten betyget 42/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 10 recensioner)



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Visar 1 - 10 av 10 Visa tester: på svenska | alla länder

Användarrecension (viewpoints.com)

LG fridge is low quality and high repair fees


This fridge has been a huge disappointment for us. NONE of the doors stay shut which will end up causing huge repair fees. The fridge doors do not close easily when you shut one french door the other will pop up slightly and sometimes it's so slight...

Aug 2013

Användarrecension (viewpoints.com)

Lemon of a fridge


Right after I purchased the LG fridge the ice maker never worked properly. The ice cubes are always crushed. Seems no one can fix it either. Noise Level I only hear the ice maker every now and again. Interior Organization As big as this fridge is, it...

Maj 2013

Användarrecension (viewpoints.com)

LG applicances Refrigerator, dishwasher, washing maching, dryer


Remodled kitchen and replaced all appliances with LG. What a blunder. The dishwasher went bad the first month. The pump was replaced. Next, the oven's circuit board went bad. That was replaced. Now the refrigerator's circuit board is on the blink. The...

Feb 2012

Användarrecension (viewpoints.com)

This is a great Fridge


We have the model with the water and ice maker in the door. It looks very similar to the pictured one. After 1.5 years we have been very happy with the refrigerator. Nothing has malfunctioned. Most of the negative reviewers have had defects. Ours looks...

Jan 2012

Användarrecension (viewpoints.com)

Love the freezer space


With a 10+ old refridgerator on the blink, we decided to purchase a new fridge. After looking at several brands, we determined that we liked the LG brand because it offered a slim profile in-door icemaker. The slim profile still allows for storage on...

Jan 2012

Användarrecension (viewpoints.com)

Very roomy on top


I just got this refridgerator and it is the first french door one I have ever gotten. I like the roomy top portion and the space saver icemaker in the door. I do not like the fact that it is hard to organize foods in the freezer compartment

Jan 2012

Användarrecension (viewpoints.com)

Looks Nice


I wanted to love this fridge. Really I did. In the store it was fantastic. So shiny and new. So we took the leap and purchased the refrigerator. Well it didn't take long. I can say it doesn't take much to dent the doors. My sons have bounce matchbox...

Jan 2012

Användarrecension (viewpoints.com)

you're better off with a styrofoam cooler and bag of ice


we replaced a refrigerator we had for over 30 years and which we had never, I repeat never had the first problem with. We've made up for it with this piece of junk. We bought it because we needed a certain size to fit into our space, we wanted french...

Jan 2012

Användarrecension (viewpoints.com)

Good looking but mechanically unsound


Pass it by. I'm sure that you can find a less troubled refrigerator to do the job for you. Customer service has been spotty. Our local appliance store tries hard but they don't do any of the warranty work. If you can get the indifferent LG customer...

Jan 2012

Användarrecension (viewpoints.com)

Zero Stars


Junk. Extremely disapointing. Ice maker makes ice but rarely dispenses it. You have to open the door, open the door to the ice maker, remove the ice bin and retrieve by hand. And we've had it "fixed" - twice. Upper crisper drawer broke within first...

Jan 2012

Prisjämförelse för LG LFX25960SB

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