Bosch - Black power IV steam iron TDA3022GB

Bosch - Black power IV steam iron TDA3022GB
alaAverage 4.8

43 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Bosch - Black power IV steam iron TDA3022GB hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 43 tester för Bosch - Black power IV steam iron TDA3022GB. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.8/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.3/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Användare ger produkten betyget 96/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 43 recensioner)



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Visar 1 - 10 av 43 Visa tester: på svenska | alla länder

Användarrecension (

nice iron, for medium use


just bought this and huge step up from last iron. it heats quick and steam works all the time, my shirts really benefit. however it runs out of water fairly fast and the indicator for this isn't very obvious. its early days so hoping this is a love...

Jan 2019

Användarrecension (

Love this iron but !!!


I love this iron but it's the second one I've had and both of them after 12 months fuses the electricity [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]

Nov 2018

Användarrecension (

Excellent steam iron


I am very fussy when it comes to irons. I have 3 different ones and not happy with them but purchased Bosch iron and I love it. I spent 2 hours lovingly ironing my family's clothes. Wasn't too heavy an iron and really got the wrinkles from the clothes....

Okt 2018

Användarrecension (

Godd iron shame about the filler cap.


Ha this iron for nearly 12 months when it finally became impossible to keep the filler cap closed. It had been a problem from day one but we persevered and managed. This week it kept flapping about so enough was enough we returned it to the retailer...

Sep 2018

Användarrecension (

excellent features


quick to heat up, no dripping whilst using, glides freely over fabrics. Good length of flex.

Jul 2018

Användarrecension (

Easy Glide Iron


This Bosch Iron was to replace an older bosch Iron ,this Iron is allot lighter than my old model and cuts through creases with ease as I dry my washing on the radiators I would have give it 5 stars but the handle seems as if the plastic is not...

Jan 2018

Användarrecension (

Hot Property


Great little iron with right amount of lead. 360 degree ironing is wonderful - never realised other irons could not achieve this!

Okt 2017

Användarrecension (

Submitted as part of a selected review panel.


This iron was supplied free as part of a panel review. Easy to use, wider than normal fill point, no bubbling and spouting back. Min setting- uses power, no switch off setting so you have to unplug it, can be annoying but safety is key! Pointy nose...

Maj 2017

Användarrecension (

Light and easy to use


This is the best iron I have ever used

Maj 2017

Användarrecension (

Fantastic Steam Iron!


Submitted as part of a selected review panel I started to use the iron after using a steam press iron for many years. I couldn't believe how efficient it was! It was quick to heat up, and had a wider than normal baseplate which made ironing quicker &...

Apr 2017

Prisjämförelse för Bosch - Black power IV steam iron TDA3022GB

Inga priser funna för denna produkt