Colgate Total Advanced Whitening Toothpaste 100ml

Colgate Total Advanced Whitening Toothpaste 100ml
alaAverage 4.5

170 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Colgate Total Advanced Whitening Toothpaste 100ml hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 170 tester för Colgate Total Advanced Whitening Toothpaste 100ml. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.5/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.5/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Användare ger produkten betyget 90/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 170 recensioner)



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Visar 1 - 10 av 170 Visa tester: på svenska | alla länder

Användarrecension (

I absolutely love Colgate


I use this everyday! It leaves my mouth feeling refreshed.

Cleans My Teeth ; Good Flavor ; Leaves My Breath Feeling Fresh ; Protects Against Stains

Okt 2017

Användarrecension (




Easy To Use ; Gentle

Jun 2017

Användarrecension (

The only toothpaste I have used for years!


I have tried other toothpastes over the years, but always come back to Colgate total. It gives my teeth and mouth a complete clean feeling. I literally cannot go without it!

Effective ; Gentle

Jun 2017

Användarrecension (

Great, but...


It's great but i every time i use it, its great. But when i wash my toothbrush after then something black comes out. And then i get worried..

Acts Quickly ; Easy To Use ; Effective ; Gentle


Apr 2017

Användarrecension (

I cannot seem to find the white paste again only the blue.


I have always bought Colgate Total and loved it when it was white in color. Now it is blue and I hate it. What should I look for on the package to be sure it is the same white one I loved?



Mar 2017

Användarrecension (

Great toothpaste! Prevention for all basic oral health


This is a great toothpaste to address all basic oral issues. It cleans your tooth surfaces and leaves them smooth so plaque doesn't stick and leaves breath feeling fresh! Use twice daily in conjunction with flossing and rinsing with an antiseptic...

Easy To Use ; Effective ; Gentle

Feb 2017

Användarrecension (

love it


Fresh your breath

Easy To Use ; Gentle ; Not Messy

Feb 2017

Användarrecension (

I buy this product


A really good product

Acts Quickly ; Easy To Use ; Nice taste ; Really works

Good stuff ; Messy ; Yeab it id

Feb 2017

Användarrecension (



Taste great

Feb 2017

Användarrecension (



This product is safe and i just love it!

Acts Quickly ; Easy To Use ; Effective ; Gentle


Jan 2017

Prisjämförelse för Colgate Total Advanced Whitening Toothpaste 100ml

Inga priser funna för denna produkt