Oral-B Vitality CrossAction

Oral-B Vitality CrossAction
alaAverage 4.5

84 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Oral-B Vitality CrossAction hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 84 tester för Oral-B Vitality CrossAction. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.5/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.5/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Användare ger produkten betyget 90/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 84 recensioner)

1 experttester



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Expertrecension från (which.co.uk)

Oral B Vitality CrossAction review

  (Betyg Dolt)

The Oral-B Vitality CrossAction is a cheap electric toothbrush that combines two cleaning actions - the brush head rotates and oscillates. But does this dual approach really stop plaque in its tracks? Or would you be better off choosing a different...

Okt 2016

Användarrecension (argos.co.uk)



" Good brush. Revolving head bought two brushes recomended to family they bought it too "

Jan 2016

Användarrecension (argos.co.uk)

Cleans with ease


" Does a good job of cleaning teeth & the built in timer is also helpful & makes sure you clean your teeth for the recommended time. "

Jan 2016

Användarrecension (argos.co.uk)

Worth buying it


" ZeOral-B Vitality Cross Action Electric Toothbrush. it's worth buying it because I can see clear result after using it I am glad I have got it on such good offer too : ) "

Jan 2016

Användarrecension (argos.co.uk)

this product is brill and excellent price


" I brought this for my son for xmas he loves it so very happy. "

Jan 2016

Användarrecension (argos.co.uk)

Oral-B Vitality Cross Action Electric Toothbrush


" All Good :) "

Jan 2016

Användarrecension (argos.co.uk)



" It certainly does what it says but require batteries as it dont last for long. "

Jan 2016

Användarrecension (argos.co.uk)

Good product


" This is one of the best toothbrushes I've ever used. It gives you good value for your money The only reason for not giving 5 star is that it doesn't have a charging indicator. "

Jan 2016

Användarrecension (argos.co.uk)

excellent value for money


" Could not believe this price. Had seen electric toothbrushes for sale which were expensive. Took a gamble with this because of the price. It is excellent comes with a charger, has a timer for length of usage, I love it. "

Dec 2015

Användarrecension (argos.co.uk)

Good value elect toothbrush


" Good value elect toothbrush without having to pay some of the ridiculously high prices of some that are available on the market. These were purchased for my children who found them to be very good and encouraged them to clean there teeth properly and...

Dec 2015

Prisjämförelse för Oral-B Vitality CrossAction

Inga priser funna för denna produkt