Philips Sonicare HX8918/10 HealthyWhite+ Electric Toothbrush and TongueCare

Philips Sonicare HX8918/10 HealthyWhite+ Electric Toothbrush and TongueCare
alaAverage 4.5

10 tester

Jun 2024

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alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 10 tester för Philips Sonicare HX8918/10 HealthyWhite+ Electric Toothbrush and TongueCare. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.5/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.5/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Användare ger produkten betyget 90/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 10 recensioner)



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Användarrecension (

Superb Electric Toothbrush


Definitely the best electric toothbrush on the market. Keeps my teeth in excellent condition. I can recommend it to anybody who is thinking of going electric or is looking for a replacement.

excellent all round cleaning. ; gets into every nook and cranny. ; excellent battery life.

replacement brush heads could be cheaper.

Apr 2018

Användarrecension (

Excellent brush, but spare brush heads are too expensive


The toothbrush itself is really good and leaves teeth far cleaner than with a standard electric toothbrush. The battery retains charge for a very long time. The only downside is the cost of OEM brush heads, which are so expensive it makes you research...

really excellent for cleaning

the replacement brush heads are too expensive

Jul 2017

Användarrecension (

Excellent toothbrush


Easy to use,excellent toothbrush,no problems or complaints at all

Apr 2017

Användarrecension (

So far so good


As many before it is probably the best toothbrush whire it works, but experience tells me to wait to see for how long..

Apr 2017

Användarrecension (



This seems to be working very well; I hope my hygienist agrees!

Feb 2017

Användarrecension (

Very poor battery life & vibration speed is low


I was bought this for Christmas as the battery life in my old Sonicare only lasted about a week - I have had it several years so there is no complaints. However, my new one doesn't last much longer, even though it states that it should last up to a few...

Jan 2017

Användarrecension (



This is the second Philips sonicare toothbrush I have bought, the previous lasted me over 5 years. I bought Philips as this is a brand I trust. The toothbrush is excellent, very easy to use, has 3 speeds and 2 cleaning option. This is great as there...

everything about this toothbrush

switching on before changing cleaning option

Jul 2016

Användarrecension (

Really recommend it


It is just an amazing product! After 1 month using it my teeth look so white

Jul 2016

Användarrecension (

This product has the additional feature with its tongue brush. It makes my mouth feel cleaner and smells cleaner.


Purchased this product as a replacement to my first electric toothbrush. I tend to standardise the settings and keep to it. I enjoyed using the tongue brush as my family tells me that my mouth always smells. Seems to have done the trick as no...

tongue brush

none that i could think of

Dec 2015

Användarrecension (

Great value for money, excellent performance


Very light weight compared to previous model, faster motion, so very effective

long lasting charge

doesn't look as good

Dec 2015

Prisjämförelse för Philips Sonicare HX8918/10 HealthyWhite+ Electric Toothbrush and TongueCare

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