LG WD-1248RD / WD-1247RD

LG WD-1248RD / WD-1247RD
alaAverage 3.3

20 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för LG WD-1248RD hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 20 tester för LG WD-1248RD / WD-1247RD. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 3.3/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.3/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Användare ger produkten betyget 65/100 i genomsnitt.


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Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)



I purchased about three years ago. The washing machine performed fairly well and not too loud. However the drying time is a bit longer than expected. So not very reccomeded for dry cycle. I've been used almost every week and no big issue found yet....

Jul 2017

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)

This machine could have killed us


Our machine was a lemon from the start when it worked it was fantastic but very often had trouble with dry cycle. Last week the machine caught fire & set fire to the house this was 5am in the morning it was only by chance I was sleeping lightly. This...

Jun 2015

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)



Had this machine now for over 5 years . Washing constantly every day with family of 8 works like a champ . Drying time takes longer than expected. 30 min quick cycle is the best . Fits a massive load and washes nice & clean. Would definitely recommend...


Can take a little long on auto dry

Apr 2013

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)



we purcahsed this washing machine 4 yrs ago, since we have had it we have had the door replaced, front control panel, main board, the pump, now the door sensor is faulty. The dryer is useless, we had to go but a normal dryer to dry the clothes, I will...

Unreliable, too many breakdowns

Nov 2012

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)



want 1200rpm spinning) for beach towels and the hand wash cycle works a treat. Never used the steam setting. Pretty expensive but looks great.

Quiet, efficient, cleans clothes to an excellent standard.

Wont let you do just a spin cycle

Jun 2012

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)



ading is easier. Be warned that all the stands on the market at the moment seem too small to fit this machine on top of them. LG make one only for the 10kg / 6kg machine (part #LG LWP273W)...I may buy that one and alter some aspects on it to make this...

Washes clothes very well. Quiet. Reliable. Apparently uses less electricity. Pretty good water consumption. Looks pretty.

Drying cycle does take a while (but DOES work). ; Do need a degree in Washing Machine Operations to work it. ; Cost: Let's face it, quite expensive.

Jan 2012

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)



er dryer combo could be bought for up to $500 less yet deliver the same results in a quicker time. If you dont have much available space this machine is worth the cash but if space aint an issue id go for a seperate washer and dryer and save some cash...

Looks great with lots of functions. Cleans clothes to a standard I havent seen before EXCELLENT. very cheap to run and uses bugger all washing powder

As stated the drying function. IT DOES WORK! although it can be difficult RTFM! do not put 9kg of stuff in and expect it to come out dry. it is a 5kg dryer and it does 5kgs well, just takes a bit more time that what may be convenient.

Nov 2011

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)

Dont buy it unless you are looking for an anchor


it is a replacment machine for another model i had that blew up only after 2 weeks of owning it this one seems to have a door catch that is out of adjustment and the large control knob on the unit appears to be loose. When drying it seems to make loud...

Looks good in laundry

it doesnt work properly

Okt 2011

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)



Had ours for 3 yrs and has just broken down today out of the blue, have a repair man coming around in the morning so my opinion might change in 24 hrs. No idea what's wrong with it, no indication of any power going into the machine at all. Otherwise...

Quiet, efficient, cleans clothes to an excellent standard.

Wont let you do just a spin cycle

Nov 2010

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)



To get the most out of this machine you must be very competent in using it and knowing what works. the manual is not much help but the left handed zwahili brail is decipherable if you break it down and mix it with a bit of trial and error. The...

Looks great with lots of functions. Cleans clothes to a standard I havent seen before EXCELLENT. very cheap to run and uses bugger all washing powder

As stated the drying function. IT DOES WORK! although it can be difficult RTFM! do not put 9kg of stuff in and expect it to come out dry. it is a 5kg dryer and it does 5kgs well, just takes a bit more time that what may be convenient.

Aug 2010

Prisjämförelse för LG WD-1248RD / WD-1247RD

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