Philips 109B65

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 16 tester för Philips 109B65. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.2/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.3/5 för produkter i samma kategori. Prisvärdheten och designen får positiva omdömen men Tillförlitligheten uppskattas inte lika mycket.

design, prisvärdhet

storlek, användarvänlighet, Tillförlitlighet

Vi har analyserat betyg från experter och användare, produktens ålder och andra faktorer. Jämfört med andra produkter i samma kategori belönas Philips 109B65 med en alaScore™ på 82/100 = Mycket bra kvalitet.


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Användarrecension (

Nowhere does it say FLAT PANEL.


!N00B ALERT! Nowhere does it say that this is a "flat panel" monitor. It says that it has a "Real Flat" picture tube. And if you think you can get an LCD of comparable quality, you're wrong. This thing has a .25 pixel pitch, which is hard for ANY LCD...

Crisp, clear picture with excellent detail. Exactly what I wanted.

None, except for having to carry 50lbs across a lot and up stairs.

Apr 2007

Användarrecension (

not big but not small, not a widescreen but not a regular, awesome.


have it at 1280 by 1024, looks sharp, viewing area is more than sufficient. dont know where all those bad comments are comming from. mine is just the way I want a crt to be.

great looking, colors seem to be vibrant. lightframe software helps with everything (movies, games, not just pictures), u just have to activate it on entire desktop (click and drag). prepare for a crt killer screen.

desktop colors got all greenish one time for about 10 min. thought I was gonna RMA but restart fixed it. no problems since then. its true there is no brightness adjustment but I didnt even pay that much attention to it, seems to be naturaly adjusted....

Mar 2007

Användarrecension (

Sub Par


For the price it would be better to get a 19" LCD, especially since they're half the power consumption. Better 19" CRT's on market. Don't be fooled by the 1920x1440

Lots of controls High Resolution Great Colors Relativly Small physical size

Even with the all the controls it's impossible to get side edges perfectly parallel. Controls are hard to navigate. Corners of screen seem slightly blurry. Flat glass over conventional curved screen. 1920x1440 resolution only seems possible if you use...

Mar 2007

Användarrecension (

The worst CRT I have owned


I made the mistake of not buying this from newegg. Now all I have to do is pray that I can get it returned. Unless you've seen this monitor in action and still like it, don't buy it.

Supports high resolution. Black looks good with black peripherals

While the glass is flat, the projection screen is not, so personally I wouldn't call it a "flat panel" at all. Color bleeding is incredible - with a black background, it looks a little like you have two start menus on top of each other (we're talking...

Feb 2007

Användarrecension (

The worst CRT I have owned


I made the mistake of not buying this from newegg. Now all I have to do is pray that I can get it returned. Unless you've seen this monitor in action and still like it, don't buy it.

Supports high resolution. Black looks good with black peripherals.

While the glass is flat, the projection screen is not, so personally I wouldn't call it a "flat panel" at all. Color bleeding is incredible - with a black background, it looks a little like you have two start menus on top of each other (we're talking...

Feb 2007

Användarrecension (

Great price and resolution, but low constrast ratio


I had to return the monitor once due to a vertical downward curve that was impossible to get rid of without a "vertical balance" option. I was after something supporting 1920x1440 or higher and with LCD's costing more than double that of CRT's, along...

The 1920x1440 resolution this monitor supports is truly amazing and compared to LCD monitors supporting something close to that, the price is very good, even with the monstrous shipping fee. CRT's, like this one, have good quality at all resolutions,...

The contrast ratio seems a bit low, even at the maximum. It's also quite heavy and being able to lift around 50 pounds (or ~23 kilograms) or getting someone to help lift it is highly recommended. It also lacks useful vertical "side curves" and "side...

Feb 2007

Användarrecension (

Beautiful image, great price


I've bought quite a few Philips products lately, and been more than satisfied with all of them. I'd easily recommend this monitor looking for a CRT in this price range.

Beautiful, bright colors, clear image, monitor itself is quite good looking.

Somewhat large and heavy; make sure you have room for it on your desk before you buy it. Mine also makes a rather annoying, extremely high-pitched (enough so that most people don't seem to be able to hear it, though I can) whine on first turning it on,...

Feb 2007

Användarrecension (

Mediocre at best


I had bought this based on the reviews here and also because Philips was a name brand. The quality turned out to be quite unacceptable for me. I paid the restocking fee and returned it. Finally I bought the CTX EX951FB-1, and I am extremely satisfied...

Good color balance at default setting.

The main problem with this monitor is that the base (minimum) brightness level is too high. No matter how far down you turn the brightness, it is to bright. As a result you get poor contrast. Also the color saturation is the worst I have seen in any...

Feb 2007

Användarrecension (

Nice, but i got a real good monitor...


the Dell P1110 That i bought a while back is a 19" monitor that can hit 1600X1200@85Hz, 2048x1536@60Hz, i just plainly have a Awesome monitor. Dell just renamed a Sony G550 though... expensive as hell monitor. costed more then my computer. it was 700...

This is a good monitor... Very good. see the other thoughts.

has some anoying problems. it cannot go over 70Hz on 1600X1200. and it started blooming on me. mighta got a bad monitor though.

Jan 2007

Användarrecension (

Definitely Worth It!


Has something called lightframe, which I have never heard of... Makes pictures more clear and a lot more bright, but it is pretty useless to me as it only does it automatically in IE and I use firefox. Maybe someone else will find it more useful than...

Beautiful picture, very nice look, and has a smaller profile than most of the other 19" monitors i have seen

Seems lie sometimes it reset to its factory settings and sot he picture gets pushed to the right... but it seems to have gotten fixed, so im happy :D ; Other than that, none so far

Dec 2006

Prisjämförelse för Philips 109B65

Inga priser funna för denna produkt