Limitless (Blu-ray)

Limitless (Blu-ray)
alaAverage 4.7

7 tester

Jun 2024

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alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 7 tester för Limitless (Blu-ray). Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.7/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.0/5 för produkter i samma kategori. Recensenterna gillar designen. Tillförlitligheten uppskattas inte lika mycket.



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Expertrecension från : Rachel Cericola (

Limitless Blu-ray Review


Bradley Cooper experiences a new kind of hangover (and a breakthrough role) in this fast-paced thriller.

They don't give a guy the role of Face (from The A-Team) for nothing. Bradley Cooper is certainly a looker. Fortunately, he can also act. Limitless shows off that charisma in very cool way. Even without the other 80 percent of your brain, this film...

Jul 2011

Användarrecension (

great film


This is a very entertaining film, it is very well acted, looks great on blu ray and has a really absorbing story. Highly recommended.

Nov 2011

Användarrecension (

'one word' -----'BRILLIANT'


this is a ''must -see' movie. the tale is about 'eddie morra' who leads a pretty mundane life, he write's, however this has not brought about any success...........his life is going nowhere.....until --his ex-brother-in-law hands him an un-tested...

Aug 2011

Användarrecension (



It's tantalising what director David Fincher (SE7EN, ZODIAC, FIGHT CLUB) would have done with this dark, twisted and very stylish fantasy that surges into the male psyche. As it is this is a hugely enjoyable sugar rush of possibilities as failed...

Aug 2011

Användarrecension (

trailer hooked us in


ok, so we went to see this after seeing the trailer and thinking...yep worth a watch and have to say it was brilliant. I loved bradley coopers portrayal of both genius and underdog and the supporting cast were pretty good too. A little disappointed...

Jun 2011

Användarrecension (

Highly Original


A visual feast of a film, a highly original story, superb acting and all rounded of with a very satisfying ending and unpredictable ending. What more could anyone want? 10 out of 10 one of the best films I have seen this year! Highly recommended.

Maj 2011

Användarrecension (

Limitless, libero sfogo ai poteri mentali.


Oggi mio fratello ci ha proposti questo bellissimo film, mi ha colpito molto e quindi vorrei condividere questa breve quanto luminosa esperienza con voi.Il film inizia col descrivere la vita di Eward Morra o per gli amici Eddy, un ormai trentenne...

Trama davvero coinvolgente, effetti speciali ben sviluppati

Pressochè nessuno

Nov 2012

Prisjämförelse för Limitless (Blu-ray)

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