Hitachi DV P305U

Hitachi DV P305U
alaScore 66

27 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Hitachi DV P305U hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 27 tester för Hitachi DV P305U. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 3.3/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 3.8/5 för DVD-spelare.

Vi har analyserat betyg från experter och användare, produktens ålder och andra faktorer. Jämfört med andra DVD-spelare belönas Hitachi DV P305U med en alaScore™ på 66/100 = Bra kvalitet.


(Baserad på 27 recensioner)



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Visar 1 - 10 av 27 Visa tester: på svenska | alla länder

Användarrecension (

Good Starter Recorder


Price, image quality and features

Image breakup and freezing

Feb 2005

Användarrecension (

DVD Feature = Fraud


I purchased this machine because someone at Circuit City convinced me that you by video equipment from video Brand names and not Audio Brand names, and this might still be true.

You get a Recognizable Brand Name

You get Nothing Else

Jan 2003

Användarrecension (

Could be better, Could be worse.


I bought the Hitachi P305U DVD player at Sam's Wholesale Club with some left over Christmas money. It was purchased because due to the fact that was all that was left on the shelf.

Decent looking component, moderate features.

Skips and "cubes out" occasionally.

Jan 2003

Användarrecension (

Hitachi DV P305U DVD player - Terrible decision!


I purchased my Hitachi DV P305U DVD player nearly two years ago when they were first introduced to the market. It was one of the more expensive DVD players the electronics store offered, but the sales clerk assured me it was a great machine. I would...

Great sound quality, easy to use, well made

Will not play scratched/smudged DVDs

Dec 2002

Användarrecension (

It has been meassured and considered useless


Usually all Hitachi's are good (including my big screen) but when I got my first DVD player from them it thoroughly sucked. Expecting everything to flow well and smooth was a lie for this player skips and freezes all the time. We watched a movie and...

Good picture

It skips, it freezes, its everything you don't want in a DVD player.

Sep 2002

Användarrecension (

A lesson to read the fine print


The other reviews go into the detail on specs, so I'll pass here except to say that the major spec bullets fail to mention that the system doesnt support CD-R Audio CD's, and leaves that to page two of the manual. And that did me no good as I bought...


Does NOT support CD-R Audio CD's

Jan 2002

Användarrecension (

Nice DVD Features, But Defects Outweigh Them


Component video connectors, optical and coaxial digital audio, low price

Skips, freezes, sometimes won't load, poor remote

Nov 2001

Användarrecension (

Alright you Hitachi DVP305U DVD Player haters!


I got this DVD player as a present 7 moths ago and it works great; no problems so far! When I got it I couldn't wait to get it running. I set it up and figured it out in one day, with out anybodies help. This device is amazing! The remote isn't crammed...

low price, simple to use, not so confusing to figure out

not that hi-tech (but in away that's a good thing)

Jun 2001

Användarrecension (

DVP-305U Waster of Time and Money


I purchased the item, I though it was great. Then it started to freeze and skip. I thought no big deal maybe this was just the DVD format. After a month it got bad. I took it in for repair, that was a month and a half ago. I part is on back order,...

Good Price optical output

skips,freezes,doesn ; t play,customer service

Maj 2001

Användarrecension (

is it worth the money


first,let's talk about the picture quality.

good quality picture and sound

slow when loading disc menu

Apr 2001

Prisjämförelse för Hitachi DV P305U

Inga priser funna för denna produkt