ORITRON Diamond DVD200

ORITRON Diamond DVD200
alaScore 65

42 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för ORITRON Diamond DVD200 hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 42 tester för ORITRON Diamond DVD200. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 3.2/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 3.8/5 för DVD-spelare.

Vi har analyserat betyg från experter och användare, produktens ålder och andra faktorer. Jämfört med andra produkter i kategorin DVD-spelare belönas ORITRON Diamond DVD200 med en alaScore™ på 65/100 = Bra kvalitet.


(Baserad på 42 recensioner)



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Användarrecension (amazon.com)

Amazon.com review summary for ORITRON Diamond DVD200


alaTest has collected and analyzed 19 user reviews of ORITRON Diamond DVD200 from Amazon.com. The average user rating for this product is 3.1/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.6/5 for other DVD Players on Amazon.com.

58% of the reviews on Amazon.com give this product a positive rating.

Jun 2024

Användarrecension (epinions.com)

A diamond in the rough


Last xmas I asked my wife for a second DVD player to supplement our other player. Since this was a secondary machine with only basic use in mind, it had to be simple and cheap. The wiz was running a one day sale ad that had this machine for $85. We got...

Low price($85.00), Attractive styling that sets it apart from the masses.

Poor remote ergonomics and vague owners manual.

Feb 2006

Användarrecension (epinions.com)

Keep your cool...the Oritron needs it's space


very inexpensive, easy to use, simple setup and operation, good picture and sound quality

small buttons on the remote, needs good ventilation, kinda buggy at times

Mar 2001

Användarrecension (epinions.com)

Keep your cool...the Oritron needs it's space


Yeah, I was one of those crazy shoppers around Xmas time searching for THE DEAL on a good DVD player. I was also one of those financially embarrassed shoppers in need of an inexpensive DVD. 800.com had the super sale on DVD's with MSN passport...

very inexpensive, easy to use, simple setup and operation, good picture and sound quality

small buttons on the remote, needs good ventilation, kinda buggy at times

Mar 2001

Användarrecension (epinions.com)

Hey, it works.



No bells or whistles. This is the most 'vanilla' DVD player you'll ever see.

Mar 2001

Användarrecension (epinions.com)

DVD at a VCR price


When the DVD player in my computer started to die, I needed a player. I needed it fast and I needed it cheap. At the time, the DVD200 was the best deal at $150 through 800.com (free shipping at the time, no tax).

Cheap, plays VCDs (with special code), some CD-RW media

Doesn't read CDR media

Jan 2001

Användarrecension (epinions.com)

DVD at a VCR price


Cheap, plays VCDs (with special code), some CD-RW media

Doesn't read CDR media

Jan 2001

Användarrecension (epinions.com)

Is this Oritron DVD player the cure for Cancer?!


First of all, No - this DVD player is not the cure for cancer.

cheap, has all basic features

not professional quality by a long shot

Jan 2001

Användarrecension (epinions.com)

Is this Oritron DVD player the cure for Cancer!


cheap, has all basic features

not professional quality by a long shot

Jan 2001

Användarrecension (epinions.com)

I Got My Money's Worth


I too purchased this item through 800.com for $64 back in November..I read reviews & felt confident that I was getting a lower grade model of DVD Players, but at least one that would work!! We did get to watch 3 DVD's & then when we tried to...

Played 3 DVD's

Never played any more

Jan 2001

Användarrecension (epinions.com)

I Got My Money's Worth


Played 3 DVD's

Never played any more

Jan 2001

Prisjämförelse för ORITRON Diamond DVD200

Inga priser funna för denna produkt