Zenith XBR716

Zenith XBR716
alaScore 72

11 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Zenith XBR716 hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 11 tester för Zenith XBR716. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 3.8/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 3.7/5 för produkter i kategorin DVR. Bildkvaliteten och användarvänligheten får positiva omdömen.

användarvänlighet, bildkvalitet

Vi har analyserat betyg från experter och användare, produktens ålder och andra faktorer. Jämfört med andra produkter i kategorin DVR belönas Zenith XBR716 med en alaScore™ på 72/100 = Bra kvalitet.


(Baserad på 11 recensioner)


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Visar 1 - 10 av 11 Visa tester: på svenska | alla länder

Användarrecension (radioshack.com)

Can't copy disney movies from VHS to DVD


Easy to setup up but can't record copyrighted material. So if you are trying to turn you VHS into DVD's this isn't the option for you.

Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use

Not able to copy all VHS

Sep 2008

Användarrecension (radioshack.com)

Really Love it !!


great for copying old VCR tapes to DVD's

Consistent Performance, Durable, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use, High Quality Picture

Sep 2008

Användarrecension (radioshack.com)

Good Product...however...


Bought this unit 6 months ago...worked great, easy set up and playbacks a snap[...]

Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use

Sep 2008

Användarrecension (radioshack.com)



in terms of overall performance,this one BEATS EVERYONE BY A 'ZILLION LIGHT YEARS.

Consistent Performance, Durable, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use, High Quality Picture

Jul 2008

Användarrecension (radioshack.com)



Please unstand that to record with this system you will NEED a Cable Box,

Difficult To Set Up, Difficult To Use, NEED Cable Box

Jun 2008

Användarrecension (radioshack.com)

I love it


No problem hooking up. Does a nice job of recording from our satellite and copying movies from VHS to DVD. This is our first DVD recorder and the manual is easy to follow. A must-have for me is a time display (telling me how much time has elapsed on...

Consistent Performance, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use, Understandable Manual

Jun 2008

Användarrecension (radioshack.com)

very nice deck but no tuner


got this deck after a JVC combo deck died. It says on the back this is actually made by LG, I knew zenith was bought out a while ago. I like the usb input for connecting a digital camcorder. The vcr mechanism feels solid when I insert a tape. It was...

Consistent Performance, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use

No tuner

Maj 2008

Användarrecension (radioshack.com)

I Strongly recommend this product


I have bought and retunred many of these and this was the easiest and best quality I have ever seen.

Consistent Performance, Easy one touch recording, Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use, High Quality Picture

Mar 2008

Användarrecension (radioshack.com)

High Quality


I almost did not buy this product because of the reviews. Got it home and it works wonderfully with high quality. Made DVD's for all the family of old VCR tapes.

Consistent Performance, Durable, High Quality Picture

Jan 2008

Användarrecension (radioshack.com)

Can't Fast forward making VHS onto DVD's


I bought this for my daughter who is 24 yrs old for Xmas and she loves it!! The only thing that she didn't like was she cant FF the dubbing onto the DVD's so in other words she has to watch the videos over and over from start to finish to make them...

Easy To Set Up, Easy To Use

Dec 2007

Prisjämförelse för Zenith XBR716

Inga priser funna för denna produkt