Nokia BH-600

Nokia BH-600
alaAverage 3.4

12 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Nokia BH-600 hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 12 tester för Nokia BH-600. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 3.4/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.0/5 för produkter i kategorin Hörlurar.

Användare ger produkten betyget 67/100 i genomsnitt.


(Baserad på 12 recensioner)

3 experttester



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Användarrecension (

Zusammenfassung der Kundenbewertungen für Nokia BH-600


alaTest hat 3 Kundenbewertungen für Nokia BH-600 von zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 3.7/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 3.9/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie Kopfhörer auf

67% der Kundenmeinungen auf bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

Den här summeringen avser följande produkter: Bluetooth Headset Nokia BH-600 braunBluetooth Headset Nokia BH-600 braun

Jun 2024

Användarrecension (

Résumé des avis d’ sur Nokia BH-600


alaTest a collecté et analysé 2 avis de consommateurs sur pour le produit Nokia BH-600. La note moyenne du produit est 1.0 sur 5, tandis que les autres Casques Audio ont une note moyenne de 3.9 sur 5 sur

0% des avis sur donnent une note favorable à ce produit.

Den här summeringen avser följande produkter: NOKIA - BH600 - Kit Piéton BluetoothNOKIA - BH600 - Kit Piéton Bluetooth

Jun 2024

Expertrecension från : PhoneArena Team (

Nokia BH-600 Review


Even thought being a mid-tier model, BH-600 is truly the best DSP-enabled hands-free we have tested so far. We had really hard time thinking of any CONS and we really are just in love with it and we highly recommend it...

Sep 2007

Expertrecension från : Ilya Baranov (

Review of Bluetooth headset Nokia BH-600


It's hard to imagine a better office-fitting headset than this Nokia BH-600. At first, I should mention that it was developed «in cooperation» with another brand - Jabra - so it's likely to be nothing more, but a redesigned model for Nokia. However...

First of all I'd recommend the BH600 to those in charge of buying up equipment for company, and arming personnel with the latest-and-greatest gadgets. As a rule such trends pop up in Russia either when a company has just been established and nobody...

Nov 2006

Expertrecension från : (

Обзор bluetooth-гарнитуры Nokia BH-600


. «Звезд с неба не хватает». Приблизительно так можно охарактеризовать рассмотренную гарнитуру. Она простая, но вполне рабочая и даже чем-то привлекательная. На нее найдется свой потребитель. И ему придется приловчиться. Ведь управлять такими клавишами...

Aug 2007

Användarrecension (

Not 2.0 Complient


newegg is giving a full refund and paying for the return with no restocking fee. Just make sure you check the manufacturer website to check on its actual specs. nokia says that it is 2.0 but all of the phones and devices it pairs with are 1.2.

Good looking, fit right, worked as said minus 2.0 complient

not bluetooth 2.0

Dec 2007

Användarrecension (

No Problems


it works fine but with my Razr i have noticed that every once and a while i will have to turn it off then back on cause it will make strange noises not loud or annoying just strange but it seems to fix it when i turn it off and on

Good Price Works well

Range kinda short but what would you expect

Dec 2007

Användarrecension (

A great little headset...


The first bluetooth headset that I've used that "just works".

Comfortable, adjustable, good battery life, and better microphone performance than previous headsets I've used

It's not quite as sexy looking as some out there... but then it's pretty inexpensive

Dec 2007

Användarrecension (



Jak dla mnie zestaw rewelacyjny! Świetna jakość dźwięku!!! Bardzo rzadko trzeba go ładować.Idealny dla kierowców - bardzo dobrze trzyma się na uchu. Bardzo wygodny w użyciu. Warto podkreślić jakość dźwięku - żadnych szumów, czyściutko słychać. Extra!

czysty sygnał, wytrzymałość, świetny dźwięk ;


Prisjämförelse för Nokia BH-600

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