alaAverage 2

7 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för LG GRP197WVS hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 7 tester för LG GRP197WVS. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 2.0/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.3/5 för produkter i samma kategori.

Användare ger produkten betyget 40/100 i genomsnitt.


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Visar 1 - 7 av 7 Visa tester: på svenska | alla länder

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)

Fridge Crap


I have an LG GR-P197WVS Fridge it is rusting under the ice maker. I rang LG and was basically told to go away as I cant find receipt I am now going to post bad reviews everywhere. LG knows that this is a known issue and couldn't careless about repeat...

Mar 2015

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)

Bar Quick access door keeps breaking


Bought the product 2006. first door broke 2009 and now ( 2013 ) that door has broken . Going for third door. No satisfaction from LG to replace an $80.00 product. Probably $20.00 cost price. Poor response from customer service as they almost inferred...

Bar door broken for second time

Jul 2013

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)

rust bucket


Bought fridge with standard 2yr warranty plus extended warranty promoted by the goodguys.Just after the 2yr period the door started rusting below the ice/water dispenser. Neither LG nor the Good Guys were interested and stated that the casings are not...

Inexpensive, milk door handy whilst it worked.

Rusting door, Icemaker had to be repaired, milk compartment door catch broke and now the bleeper goes continuously. Had to tape it shut.

Sep 2011

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)



I called the supplier and then LG with in 3 days of having purchased the product but found no help at all. I live 4 hours from where I may be able to have it repaired but am concerned about whether it would survive travelling as refridgerators are...

Bar dispenser if great,and the water Ice dispenser is a must.

Not large enough for a family. Have had terrible problems with the bottom Meat/Veg crisper completely freezing everything no matter what I have it set on.

Jun 2010

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)



I have owned this fridge for 2 years and had NO problems with it whatsoever. Easy to clean, low maintenance and doesn't blowout our power bill. Once of our best buys actually. My husband and I can't live without the bar feature or water/ice dispenser....

Water/ice dispenser - simple to use, even my 3yr old nephew got the hang of this quickly. Can fit long glasses or water bottles under it easily. Bar feature - a fantastic feature. Have never used one before but now its indispensable. Its a very energy...

Space is an issue, especially for the freezer but then how healthy is it to store stuff in your fridge for long periods of time? We restock the fridge probably every 10 days and have hardly any waste because of it. Difficult to clean around the mouth...

Feb 2009

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)



Great for a couple, not enough room for a family's needs. The bar feature is now an essential in any future fridge purchase. Though would certainly try and avoid LG range if possible.

Bar feature has become a 'must have'. Very handy for milk/wine, though doesn't hold much beer.

Capacity a bot less than first appears, especially in the freezer. A number of faults, with repairers saying the problems are all known by LG: - ice maker mechanism snapped - pipes carryign the cold gas froze causing fridge and freezer failure -...

Sep 2008

Användarrecension (productreview.com.au)



Fridge returned to retailer as could not use veg/meat compartment as designed LG were most UN helpful would not buy again

easy milk compartment, looks great

had problem with meat/veg tray, veges freezing even tho switched to veg, service engineer told me that this is inherent problem, they could fix it to be either veg or meat not both. water dispenser great but not cold enough not as much usseable space...

Sep 2007

Prisjämförelse för LG GRP197WVS

Inga priser funna för denna produkt