Velodyne DD-18+

Velodyne DD-18+
alaScore 86

4 tester

Jun 2024

Tips: Se bästa pris för Velodyne DD-18+ hos alaTests partner:

alaTest har samlat in och analyserat 4 tester för Velodyne DD-18+. Det genomsnittliga betyget av denna produkt är 4.2/5, att jämföra med genomsnittsbetyget 4.3/5 för produkter i samma kategori. Designen får bra omdömen men storleken uppskattas inte lika mycket.


prisvärdhet, storlek

Vi har analyserat betyg från experter och användare, produktens ålder och andra faktorer. Jämfört med andra produkter i samma kategori belönas Velodyne DD-18+ med en alaScore™ på 86/100 = Mycket bra kvalitet.


(Baserad på 4 recensioner)


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Expertrecension från : Adam Rayner (

Velodyne DD18+ review


The pinnacle of the revamped DD range is built for the biggest rooms

Single-driver high-end taut quality, with all the muscle and terror of a huge multi-driver effort ; Flexible EQ system

Massive enclosure ; High-end price tag

Jun 2011

Expertrecension från : Josh Ricci — December 18, 2011 (

Velodyne Digital Drive Plus 18 (DD18+) Subwoofer Review


Velodyne's new DD18+ subwoofer represents an engineering marvel in design & performance as seen in this review. The DD18+ earns our “Extreme Room” size rating and 2011 Product of the Year award.

Good looking ; Top notch parts and construction quality ; Feature laden: DSP, presets, remote, EQ, measurement system, accessory pack, etc ; Great all around performance

Very expensive ; Heavy ; Set-up options can be overwhelming

Dec 2011

Expertrecension från : mark — January 18, 2007 (

Velodyne DD-18 Subwoofer System Review


The DD–18 is a big sub that delivers truly big sub sound. It does so with a driver packed with performance-enhancing features, as well as a sophisticated digital drive control system. In every way

Extremely Low Distortion ; Auto PEQ ; Selectable Preset Listening Modes, Including EQ Defeat ; Includes Calibrated Mic & Accessories ; Advanced Digital Control System ; Advanced Driver Design ; Useful Manual Included ; Remote Control ; Daisy-chain With...

Mic clasps don’t fit standard mic stand mount ; HP filter not adjustable

Jan 2007

Expertrecension från : Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity (

Velodyne DD-18+ Subwoofer


The Velodyne DD-18+ subwoofer is so good, it is almost a scientific instrument. I think the software could use a couple more versions to make it easier to work with, and those will come. The main item of interest is the performance, and this subwoofer...

Mar 2011

Prisjämförelse för Velodyne DD-18+

Inga priser funna för denna produkt

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